so.. had a birthday, it was a good one. i am feeling older and wiser.. {that is my response when people ask BTW}.. but it really is true. i am in my 30's..
i really have started to reflect, analyze, worry, appreciate, not tolerate and love in a more passionate way. i have become more confident in myself physically but more importantly, emotionally. it's a work in progress. i am always trying to be more of everything. a better wife, mother, daughter, friend, photographer, chef..
i rarely stop for me. i mean
i put together a little list of something i do when i have those rare stops.. {for me}
my friend raluca who's blog is rad and getting better with every stab at her keyboard..
she is always right on the money with what we need/should/want to chat about.
my top 3..
#8 - use a retinoid if you are getting wrinkles
#13- stop beating yourself up over every little thing
#43- take a social media diet.
{i took facebook off my phone a few months ago. just another distraction to the beautiful life right in front of me, it felt great to do, don't miss it}
i love cheese. i mean i really love cheese. put a cheese plate and glass of wine in front of me and i am a happy girl. love this post on how to put one together yourself.. why do we pretend we can't have this at home? date night or watching the oscar's with you girlfriends.. we should know how to do a cheese plate at our casa!
this mario badescu vitamin c serum is amazing and i love it with all my heart. i put it on a few nights a week and my skin is shiny and refreshed in the morning. i love it and am happy i decided to listen to all the hootin' and hollarin' about it backstage on all the supermodels..
i may not be a supermodel but i definitely want to know their secrets.
last week i went in for my usual grooming of the eyebrows and it really is so amazing HOW much better i feel when my eyebrows are done. it's like i am smarter, funnier, taller, thinner and having a great hair day all at once..
so easy to do. don't forget to maintain ladies. it is huge.
somedays i really need a bubble bath. i use lavender epsom salt. it smells divine and i am relaxed and detoxified..
everyone wins. a bubble bath is like meditating. that quiet time is priceless and worth a million dollars.
don't i wish i was taking it here?!
oh man. that would be amazing but my little tub here at home does me wonders.. i'll take it.
my worries wash away.. even if just for a moment..
ok so this candle. it instantly makes me smile. it is so wonderful.
i have one upstairs, downstairs and a few piled up in my closet for gifts/back ups. it is heavenly. i used to be a fruity kinda gal and it recently changed when i smelled this candle. this is a must try.
basically, i have learned taking care of yourself with just the smallest effort makes a huge difference and realizing that has done a ton for allllll of us. running a house, a business and all the in betweens {lacrosse, soccer guitar, tennis and homework to name a few} is crazy town and i wouldn't have it any other way.. but with some indulgences here and there..
we all win.