Tuesday, March 01, 2011

a baby

calm down!!! my new baby is my new lens!!! i got a new beautiful lense and i took her for a spin this weekend.. here are some photos and can i tell you how much i love her????
my girls are so tired of me in their face.. see how they look away everytime i come near? so sorry.. i am like the paparazzi to them..
makena was on break this week so we did a lot of the park, playdates, rode our bikes..ate great mexican food.. but the farmers market was my favorite :)

cute story- chloe is obsessed with this fairy statue she got at the dollar store last week and then wanted to earn a dollar suddenly for "chores" (she doesn't do much..ahh-hemm) anyway, she wanted to buy one for makena with her dollar.. i just love it when they look after each other. SO much.. they bicker a lot lately and i need to remember that is what sisters do.. but they also share cupcakes and buy each other fairies with their allowance...they cry when the oldest leaves on a playdate {chloe} and they sleep facing each other so they won't be scared..{makena}..

{on to some photos}

notice the little hand ready to go for it!

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